Services and Technologies

Drying and roasting of arsenic-containing concentrates

Removal of moisture, arsenic and sulfur from polymetallic concentrates for subsequent extraction of valuable component.
Сушка и обжиг мышьяксодержащих концентратов

Obtaining technical arsenic oxide

Arsenic oxide is obtained by sublimation and precipitation in crystallizers after oxidative roasting. Area of application: glass industry.
Получение технического оксида мышьяка

Production of arsenous acid

Arsenous acid is prodused by the preoxide methode and is as biological protection in wood processing.
Изготовление мышьяковой кислоты

Obtaiting arsenic compounds of high purity

Arsenic of high purity is prodused by hydride, oxide and sublimation methods. Used for the synthesis of semiconductor material and much more.
Получение соединений мышьяка высокой степени чистоты